Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Could it be about time for a post? Two months and some change, what's to report?

Hm. Hmm.

It is overwhelming to contemplate catching up with the summer, so I'll let it drift. It was a good summer, tinged with the slight panic of having said yes to a project I wasn't sure I'd be ready for.

So I bought new strings, I dug out old scale books, I fretted over the loss of my notes from lessons with Andrew Ehrlich, my Portland teacher...I reviewed the shifting rule, tuned my ears back to a concert A, played along with a drone, and threw my violin down in frustration nearly every time I picked it up. Which didn't really matter, when it came down to it, because playing in Jherek Bischoff's 30th Birthday concert at Town Hall was a fresh dose of pure magic, where a force greater than myself took hold of the reins and I didn't screw up too much at all. There were old friends, new friends, aquaintances, legends, and mysterious bearded strangers. Jherek's dad was there, his brother was there. A handful of degenerates were there. My daughter's one-octave, rainbow colored glockenspiel was there, I played it, and I didn't screw up too much at all. Jherek's music is incredibly luscious and alive. I love it. Everyone who was there loved it. I don't know what to else to say, except that I came away inspired. Everybody did, I guess.