Photo Composition Heaven tbh.
President Barack Obama stands with Vice President Joe Biden in the Green
Room of the White House prior to delivering a statement on the economy in
the Ea...
Treetopia’s Scary Room Series
Treetopia has teamed up with twelve spooktacular bloggers, and asked each
one to decorate a room in their home with a haunted house theme featuring
their t...
leethal recycled yarn!
I’m selling skeins of yarn again! They are recycled yarns, which I’ve
unraveled very carefully (minimal knots, usually 1 per skein), washed well,
and somet...
Fiber School inspiration!
I’m always so giddy and inspired after Fiber School that I can’t wait to
get started on an exciting new project. Usually I spin around in circles
for a few...
Tomten or Inspira Knit Along
Are any of you interested in doing a tomten or inspira knit along in my
Ravelry group?
a new purpose
when i started this blog back in january 2007, the purpose of this blog was
for me to dig deep into knitting… and to document my thesis. i read
knitting h...