Wednesday, April 15, 2009


this is very very difficult for us both.

I'm worried she's not eating enough healthy food either. In the mornings, she just wants to nurse. At school, she cries too hard to eat. At night, she just wants to nurse and then she passes out.

So if I've been a bit hard to get ahold of, or if I've forgotten to return an email or text message or phone call, please forgive me. I've been either at work or one hundred and twenty percent belonging to the poor exhausted Wee One.

And now she is sleeping, some soup and tea are heating, and an episode of Lost is beckoning.

See you when we emerge from this tough time.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am so sorry Kendall. My heart just aches for the both of you. I am so nervous about it, even though we have time. Corbin is having super separation anxiety right now. And I had a tough time with it. I REALLY hope it gets better soon!