Kenneth doesn't like to make a big deal out of the high ratio of celebrity : the rest of us in this Godforsaken He- I mean, in this fertile valley of avocados and lip injections known as LA. I can see why, I mean, it's very touristy and not at all cool to act like you care when you see somebody from the movies buying their caramel frappaccino two places up ahead of you in line, or to get overly excited when famous writers wander into your bookclub (It's an honest mistake, and it happens all the time around here.) Plus, celebrities are people too, and people have a basic right to go grocery shopping without every person they meet staring or fumbling for some awkward comment about loving the work they've done. That said, I firmly believe in milking this LA opportunity for everything it's worth, and if all it's worth is a few celebrity sightings and year-round farmer's markets, well, I say bring it. Since Kenneth believes in pretending not to care when Flea buys pet food at his Whole Foods store, then I believe in pretending
to care. Which I don't. Not really (which is sort of a lie - I am a shameless namedropper. Did you know I used to date a guy whose best friend's older brother played in the same space-rock band as Eddie Vedder's wife, Beth? We practically spent Christmas together, Pearl Jam and I). But I ask anyways, "Did you see any celebrities today?" as a sort of public service, so that Kenneth can be geeky about it without bothering any of the rich and famous who buy wild-caught Alaskan salmon at his store (Catherine O'Hara). I asked him this morning and Kenneth realized that he hadn't seen any in a while.
But then he called me from work, and guess who was shopping today, pushing his daughter in a cart around the store?

That's right. Little Nicky the Wedding Water Gilmore Guy.
"Was he being funny? Did you ask him to say something funny?!"
"Not really...he was just being a dad, which I respect."
ps. this morning I had a dream wherein I saw Kevin Nealon at a party and told him how much I loved his book. It took him a second to remember that he'd written a book, but he recovered quickly and thanked me for reading.
1 comment:
Holy moses, she looks JUST LIKE HIM.
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