Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All we had to do was ask.

He's back. He came home this morning at 5 am, presumably after seeing the 50 odd signs we posted up around the neighborhood in earnest. There's 15 signs on our street alone. We're going to leave the signs up for a couple more days, just in case, and also, because it's embarrassing to take them down right away. Oops, wait, nevermind, here he is.

I knew he was just going to show up. Kenneth had 100 copies made of the poster he spent all morning trying to print with eventual success, and made me a secret BLT while I was napping with Edie, so that when I woke up, I wouldn't get mad at him for playing too much Grand Theft Auto. I didn't get mad until late last night, when Edie was caffeinated (honestly - caffeine in cream soda?) and I was unsuccessfully trying to get her to settle down for the night. I scooped her up and stomped down the hall to the room where it sounded like a war was going on - gunshots, screaming, panic, and a bad Russian accent - to lay on the thickest guilt trip yet.

"Remember when we both used to lay in the bed with our daughter while she was going to sleep, and we'd do things like read, and talk?"
"What? Oh. Yeah?"
"Just wondering. Enjoy your new life!"
As I walked away he promised he'd be done in 15 minutes.
So we picked out some board books to chew on: Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and the minimalist White on Black (sequel to the bestselling Black on White).
Then, to my surprise and Edie's delight, Kenneth did emerge from Liberty City without a scratch, and resurrected our long-lost Lyra Belacqua from Philip Pullman's Amber Spyglass. Oh, hurry, Will, get Lyra and get out of there!
Edie reached for the pages with single minded focus. Man, can that girl crawl now, especially when she wants to crumple and tear something. She did fall asleep, after chapter 12. No more caffeine for me, and thus her, for a long time, maybe ever. Although, she was being pretty funny.

Now Jinx is back where he belongs, knocking over water glasses and biting our lips when we give him too many kisses. He's going to get even more spoiled for a while.

One other thing about the cats: Siddhartha finally used the cat door this morning. He was whining to be let out and I just scooted him over to the semi-open panel and let him come to the realization that outside was just a cat's initiative away and all he had to do was push, on his own. He stood with his head against the door for a minute while all the pieces clicked into place, and then slowwwwwwly squeezed his body through the hole. When he was all the way out I praised him and he turned around, looking embarrassed. Oh, that's how Jinx and Gerty keep getting in and outside when no people are home. Yes, Sid.


Vezlandia Day's Acceptance of Reality said...

Can my cat get the word out or what? Glad to hear all systems are go and the Los Angeles Cat gangs returned Jinx without a hitch!

Yeah. That dog-cat door thing. Professora Bean was at odds with that weird, transparent, flapping thing the dogs always went through. She'd look at it like it was the portal to another land, but just couldn't understand the part about pushing and walking through. When I finally picked her up and gave her a nudge to the other side, she sat wondering. I had to open the flap a few times before she realized that she, too, had the POWER!

Now she practically lives in the mud room. We moved her kitty palace out there. It fits right under the window. Now she surveys the land between nodding off and bathing herself (she is very clean). Plus she has about 2 feet over the dogs and can threaten and hiss at them from a safe distance. She is such a queen.

Welcome back, Jinx.

Kendal said...

Tell her thank you from all of us, except for Sid. I'm not sure he's entirely glad Jinx is back, but that is beside the point. Prof. Bean is something else all right. What subjects does she teach?

Maria said...


Vezlandia Day's Acceptance of Reality said...

She is the only cat in the continental United States (plus Hawaii and Alaska)that has studied and mastered the street slang of Thailand known as "Mandrinese". She has a PhD in Linguistics from St. Olaf's College in Minnesota. Yep. She slept through my graduation from PSU. Not too impressed, I guess.

Unknown said...

whew. I am so very relieved to hear that kitty Jinx is back home safe and sound. Even though LA is just another adopted home for me, I wouldn't want to blame it for a kitty going M.I.A. btw, I've read a bunch of Philip Pullman books (aside from His Dark Materials trilogy) and they're all fantastic -- there will be plenty for Edie to enjoy when she gets older! xo

Kendal said...

I suspected there would be more to read after His Dark Materials, but it is reassuring to hear. Let me know if you have a favorite.

Unknown said...

The Scarecrow and His Servant by Philip Pullman. Clockwork is good too, but might be a tad scary for the young 'un... :)