Saturday, August 16, 2008


Today a man with rollerskate blue highlights in his hair and a cowboy hat on his head asked Kenneth if there would be women walking the streets, later. This is a family blog and so that's all I will say. But he punctuated his question with fun little details about why he was asking.

Today Edie was given her first balloon, at the grocery store. It was a red balloon. She yanked on it like an upside down yo-yo, all the way to KC's Crepes cafe where we occasionally get our bubble tea on. In the cafe, staring at the balloon finally got her to notice the mirrored ceiling, which I've been trying to show her for a month. We both tipped our heads all the way back to make faces in the mirror, until she almost fell out of the sling.

Edie hit her head twice in one hour, first backward then forward. She's toughening up.
Did I mention she pulls herself up on things now?
Did I mention she likes to dance?
Did I mention she is trying to talk?

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