Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"This happens. This really happens."

According to Gertrude, our third and weirdest cat, there are frogs in L.A.

I know!

I didn't believe her either, but then she coughed up the proof.
Half of which is currently lying beside the other half of which, in a smear of grass on the bathroom rug.
It is too tired and I am too late to clean it up tonight.

By the way...If you can guess what movie the subject of this post is from, I'll send you a very special postcard. If it's too hard, I gave you a hint.

Good night, sleep tight, I hope we all feel better in the morning. Gertrude already does.

Edit: Turns out they were simply crickets. Three in a row, posing as a frog. It's not like I looked super closely at them...


Anonymous said...

Raining frogs... this is something that really happens - in Magnolia. :)

We had two Magnolia trees in the front yard of the house I grew up in. That's the only reason I saw that movie.

Erin said...

magnolia! yep thats it.

Kendal said...

Good job you guys!

Erin I need your address now. Miss Liz I think I already have yours. :)

Kendal said...

Erin you can email me at tiny.robots@gmail.com