Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Things we made.

It starts out simply enough. A spur-of-the moment trip to Joann fabrics to pick up some more of that cotton yarn that lends itself so nicely to the market bag pattern I've been testing out, becomes a sudden fabric epiphany. How we got all the way across the store to the fabric swatches from Yarn Town is out of my hands. Edie was driving the cart, chubby legs all a-dangling, when we screeched to a halt before a bolt of gold, cranberry, and forest green butterflies competing for air space. One of those now-rare moments of same wavelength surfing, and not a word was exchanged before the project agreed upon.
"I'll make her a dress!"
"You should make her a dress."

Well, if Kenneth was going to make her a dress, then I would too. Never mind the thirty-odd knitting projects I've started, here was a remnant of orange, and another of zebra. While we were at it, the baby's baby has been naked for too long, since I stripped her of the flame retardant pink and purple pantsuit she came with. So, she needed a matching dress.
And while this pattern, copied from a handmade dress purchased at Lily Toad, was so incredibly easy to make and easy to put on (nothing over the head and no finger-snagging sleevery), there was that old sheet that I rescued from the donation pile in the garage. Mama Hops came home to the whole operation and said, "Um, is that my sheet?"

Not any more, Grammy.By the way...there are no photos of the dress Kenneth made yet, which has nothing to do with the fact that it's the cutest one.


Jill said...

look at you and all those cute as all get out pictures!! :) nice work, kenzington. you're awesome.

Erin said...

wow. those are some cute dresses! go mama go!

Kendal said...

everybody here is holding a baby!