Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kenneth's grandmother told his mother that she overheard somebody calling Sarah Palin, "Caribou Barbie". I wish I'd thought of it myself.

Palin is proud of her daughter's "choice" to keep the baby. Wait. What? So it was her choice? She chose to keep her baby? What was the other choice? Surely it wasn't the A word. Oh....Adoption. Yes, we are all proud of your choice, Bristol.

After watching some of the RNC last night, I've decided that if I were a major television network, I'd offer the Palin/McCain family their very own reality show. Seriously, despite their kooky politics, I just can't get enough of those adorable doe-eyed girls, and Cindy McCain bouncing the latest baby Palin while the world watches is family values to the tenth power. They can all live in a huge white mansion, and the show will be called "The Other White House." It will be more popular than the Osbournes, I predict.

All that comparison of Obama to celebrities like Britney and Paris, and now we have rumours of one Jamie Lynn Spears wishing Bristol Palin a happy, healthy pregnancy. The Palin family has become a media feeding frenzy. Even though I just can't look away from the mess, tonight I will, for just an hour, in order to see what Barack Obama has to say on the O'Reilly Factor. It is not to be missed.

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